Jagannath Puri Places to Visit in 3 Days!

PURI - Odisha known as India’s best kept secrets, celebrates some unique festivals that have a lot of secrets within them. Is a very beautiful and stunning city in the State of Odisha which is located around 60 km from the capital of Bhubaneshwar. It is located along the Bay of Bengal. The City attracts a distinct group of tourists, one who is visiting the holy temples and another one who would love to relax on the beach side. Puri is one among the Chardham of India. It is the most sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus. City draws huge crowds during the Puri Rath yatra festival which is held every year.

Jagannath Puri places to visit in 3 days include the famous temples like Jagannath Puri, Gundicha temple, Vimala temple, Loknath temple and more. Puri also features the punch Tirtha, a series of holy baths that complete the pilgrimage of Puri.

Jagannath Puri places to Visit – The Best Time of the Year

One can explore Jagannath puri places anytime of the year but to experience the best weather and natural attractions – October to March is the best time for Jagannath Puri to visit. It is time for migratory birds in Odisha and one can witness these at Chilka lake and other National Parks in Odisha . In case if your Bird watcher than lakes and Jungles of Orissa is the Best place to watch during this season. The temperature ranges from 16°C to 28°C 

Also during Summer season major festivals and events that you can enjoy here include the Chandan Yatra, the Puri Rath Yatra and the Maha Vishusva Sankranti. 

Experience the Magic: Unmissable festivals and Events of Puri – Essential Highlights for your Jagannath Puri Tour Packages:

JagannathPuri Rath Yatra, Durga Pooja, Puri Beach festivals.

How to Reach Jagannath Puri:

By Air – Bhubaneswar Airport (Biju Patnaik) is the best way to reach Odisha.

By Rail – Is connected to all over India via railway network.

BY Road – Roads are well connected to the different cities – one can easily use cabs and buses for traveling.

Jagannath Puri Places to visit in 3 Days : Discover the magic of Jagannath Puri with our 3 Days Jagannath Puri Tour packages

1. Jagannath Puri Temple - A Must - see Marvel!

Puri in Odisha is famous for the temple of Lord Jagannath who is considered as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. 

But do you know Lord Krishna is related to Lord Jagannath? The story behind the Lord Jagannath Temple is …….

At the end of Mahabharath, Gandhari was experiencing an immense loss & pain due to the death of her son’s. She believed that LOrd Krishna could have averted the war with his divine powers but he did not. So she cursed LOrd Krishna that in the next 35 yrs he and his Yaduvansh will face death by killing each other and Dwarka will be flooded. Time flew by and after 35 yrs the curse began to take place as a dispute arose between the Yadavas. They started killing each other which led to the destruction of Dwarka too. One Day when Lord Krishna was lying down under a tree on the bank of a river, when a hunter named Jara visited the forest and thought that there was a deer hiding behind the tree. So he fixed a deadly arrow towards a deer and ran near the tree. When he saw that his arrow had penetrated Krishna’s feet, he misunderstood the foot of Krishna for hiding deer. After realizing his mistake, he begged and pleaded for forgiveness. Lord Krishna comforted him and told him that he was Baali in his previous life who was killed by Lord Ram, The previous incarnation of Lord Vishnu. So the death of Lord Krishna was supposed to be done by Jara, as a result Lord Krishna left the Materialistic world. Saddened Jara went in search of Arjuna and briefed him about the situation. Listening to this deep sorrow Arjuna performed the last rituals of Lord Krishna. His entire body was turned into ashes except for his heart. His heart was vibrant and Divine. It remained unaffected. Arjuna placed the heart on a wooden plank and let it flow on the river. The heart floated through the river and after a long period of time it reached the ocean of Puri, Odisha.

As per Skanda purana, Biswa Basu the re-birth of Jara with his tribal community Sabaras discovered the heart of Lord Krishna which was in the form of concentrated blue stone. They understood its divinity and used to worship it in a cave as an idol of “Neel Madhav”. Nobody except the tribal community knew about it. One day Indradyumna, the king of Malava country, an immense devotee of Lord Vishnu got aware of Idol and wished to possess it. In order to do that he sent his Brahmin priest Vidyapati to ask Sabaras. But Biswa Basu, the head of Sabaras refused to do so. Meanwhile Vidyapati got married to Biswa Basu’s Daughter. Later the Daughter convinced her Father and Vidyapati was taken blind folded to the cave of Neel Madhav. Vidyapati was very intelligent; he dropped mustard seeds all along the trail so that once flowers bloom he can track the place along with his King. Vidyapati was astonished by looking at the very divine and radiant Neel Madhav. He went to the KIngdom and explained everything to the King. After some period of time KIng and Vidyapati visited the cave by tracking the mustard flowers but unfortunately the idol went missing. As Biswa basu shifted the Idol thinking that Vidyapati would return and Steal the idol. King was very depressed even though he was an immense devotee of Lord Vishnu he couldn’t get Sight of him. 

Later the King had a dream where Lord Vishnu advised him that a “wooden plank  of Neem plant” was floating across the ocean of Puri and as you are my Immense devotee you should make an idol of that particular wood and place it inside the temple. Also you should install Neel Madhav inside the sculpture. After waking up he went to the ocean with his army but was not able to lift the wooden plank and took help from BIswa Basu and a huge wooden plank was brought to the kingdom. King started searching for an artisan who could make sculptures out of the wood. That time Lord VIshwakarma appeared in the form of an artisan and told that he would make the sculptures on one condition if nobody disturbs him till the sculptures are made. As per the condition he started working in a closed chamber continuously without food and water. But around 15 days later the sound hammer was stopped. So the queen got worried and asked KIng whether the carpenter would survive without food and water for so many days. So the king had to check the chamber but as soon as he opened the doors all the artisan vanished. Leaving 3 incomplete Idols of Lord Jagannath, his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra. King was astonished by looking at it and realized his mistake. He pleaded with the lord for forgiveness. Lord Vishnu advised the king to place the idol inside the temple and place Neel Madhav inside the sculpture. This is how the heart of Krishna was placed in the idol of Lord Jagannath. After every 12-19 yrs when the full moon appears twice during the month of Ashadha, the devotees replace the heart of Lord Krishna which is now called as Brahma Padarth in the recreated  wooden idols of Lord Jagannath. 

Discover the mysteries and miracles of Jagannath Puri temple!. This legendary temple is filled with so many unexplained wonders and miracles that have puzzled experts, historians, priests, Scientists for many years. Some of these fascinating mysteries can be explored with our Jagannath Puri Tour Packages!

  1. Direction of flag: the flag hoisted at the top of Jagannath temple flutters in an opposite direction of the wind. The temple is as tall as a 45 storey building. The priest climbs atop the Shikhara to change the flag everyday without any protective gear. In case if the ritual is missed or skipped, the temple will remain closed for 18 long years.
  2. Wooden Idols: temple idols are made of wood and every 8,12,19 years it is replaced with new ones during Nabakalebara festival.
  3. No Shadow: temple doesn’t have any shadow no matter what time of the day it is.
  4. Preparation of Mahaprasadam: the prasadam is prepared by thousands of priests in 7 earthen pots. The pots are placed one above the other. The top pot cooks first and followed by rest.
  5. Sound of waves: one cannot witness the sound of waves inside the temple.
  6. Nothing flies above the temple: you cannot find a single bird or the airplane flying on top of the temple.
  7. Mystery of prasadam: we notice that every year lakhs of devotees visit the temple. Rath yatra draws more devotees than normal days. However, everyday the same amount of food (Jagannath prasad) is cooked and none of the food gets wasted.

Rath Yatra of Jagannath Puri Temple

People of Odisha also celebrate Rath Yatra which is the most famous festival of Lord jagannath. The Huge self- constructed and decorated beautiful chariots of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are drowned by the devotees at the house of their aunt at Gundicha Temple. During the Rath yatra people across the globe come to visit the deities and get blessings as Jagannath literally means “the Lord of Universe”.

2. Alarnath Temple : A Hidden Gem Awaiting Your Discovery!

Is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Temple is located in Brahmagiri in Puri. This temple is said to be 200 years older than Jagannath temple. As per the history, the temple was established by the ruler of Alwar. In this temple Lord Vishnu is worshiped here as Alarnath with 4 hands holding Shankha, Chakra, Gada and padma. One can view Lord Vishnu’s carrier Garuda kneeling at the feet of the deity with his folding hands in prayer position. Also you can find a lake behind the temple where Chandan yatra is celebrated for 21 days every year. 

Temple is open from 6am in the morning to 9PM. The main significance of the temple is during the Anavasara period when the deities of Jagannath are not available for public worship. Hence devotees visit Alarnath temple to worship Lord Vishnu believing that deity of Lord Jagannath manifests here.

3. Konark Sun Temple

Is dedicated to Sun God - Surya and also a UNESCO World heritage Site. The temple is shaped like a chariot which depicts scenes from Hindu mythology, including battles and daily life. The complex of the temple has an appearance of a 100 foot high solar chariot, with 24 wheels which is pulled by six horses, everything is carved from stone. It is faced towards the east so the first rays of sunrise strike the main entrance. Also the wheels of the temple are sundials. With the help of this one can calculate accurately to a minute. Timings of the temple is from 6am to 8pm

4. Sakshi Gopal Temple

Also known as Satyabadi Gopinatha Temple. It is dedicated to Lord krishna. Temple is famous for its story about Lord Krishna helping the poor young man of the village prove the truth of a promise. When the villagers doubted a marriage agreement between the village headman’s daughter and the poor young man, Lord Krishna miraculously spoke and walked to the village as a witness. From that moment the temple became a symbol of divine justice and faith. Temple Prasad - the food is made of wheat instead of rice. Temple timings are from 6.30am to 9.30pm.

5. Puri Beach

Is located in Puri, Odisha. It is not just a beautiful beach but also a place with a lot of spiritual and cultural importance. The beach is near the famous Jagannath Temple which in turn makes it a special spot for tourists who are interested in both nature and spirituality. Visitors take a holy dip in the beach believing that it will cleanse and refresh their soul. Every year the puri beach festival is celebrated in the month of November. The beach comes alive with a lot of events filled with fun activities like sand art,dancing and shows which depict the local culture. One can also try water sports like surfing and jet skiing.

6. Gundicha Temple

Is dedicated to Goddess Gundicha, who is believed to be like family to Lord Jagannath. Every year during Rath yatra Lord Jagannath along with his siblings visit the temple in grand procession. It's the time of celebration and devotion. Rath yatra procession is a big deal in Odisha, which attracts people from all over the world. It’s a very colorful festival where people of Odisha carry the chariot of the deities from Jagannath temple to Gundicha Temple over nine days. Lord Jagannath stays here for 7 days.The city is filled with colors, light, music, prayers, excitement as people come together to celebrate and enjoy. Also many devotees believe that visiting Gundicha temple cleanses their souls and brings them blessings. It is also known as Vrindavan of Puri. The timing is from 6am to 9pm. However it is closed for an hour from 3pm to 4pm daily.

7. Loknath Temple

Is dedicated to lord Shiva. People visit the temple during Mahashivratri to seek blessings.. The best time to visit the temple is during Shivaratri to witness the festival. As per ancient history when Lord Rama was on his way to rescue goddess Sita. he stopped at this spot and took a vow to see Lord Shiva. Meanwhile a person from nearby village gave him a pumpkin(locally known as Lau/ lauka that had resemblance with Shivlinga. Lord Rama installed the vegetable as a replica of Shivalinga and started praying to fulfill his desire to rescue the goddess Sita. Since then Shivalinga was called Laukanatha, later changed to loknatha. Temple timings are from 5am to 9pm.

8. Raghurajpur Artist Village

Is dedicated to Goddess Gundicha, who is believed to be like family to Lord Jagannath. Every year during Rath yatra Lord Jagannath along with his siblings visit the temple in grand procession. It's the time of celebration and devotion. Rath yatra procession is a big deal in Odisha, which attracts people from all over the world. It’s a very colorful festival where people of Odisha carry the chariot of the deities from Jagannath temple to Gundicha Temple over nine days. Lord Jagannath stays here for 7 days.The city is filled with colors, light, music, prayers, excitement as people come together to celebrate and enjoy. Also many devotees believe that visiting Gundicha temple cleanses their souls and brings them blessings. It is also known as Vrindavan of Puri. The timing is from 6am to 9pm. However it is closed for an hour from 3pm to 4pm daily.

9. Temple’s kitchen

is considered to be the second largest kitchen in the world. As per the ritual or the Traditionally the Mahaprasad which is cooked in the temple is supervised by Goddess Lakshmi  herself. In case food prepared has any kind of fault -a shadow dog appears near the kitchen and the entire food is buried and a new batch of prasadam is cooked. All the 56 varieties prepared are completely vegetarian and there is no usage of onion and garlic.

  1. Direction of flag: the flag hoisted at the top of Jagannath temple flutters in an opposite direction of the wind. The temple is as tall as a 45 storey building. The priest climbs atop the Shikhara to change the flag everyday without any protective gear. In case if the ritual is missed or skipped, the temple will remain closed for 18 long years.
  2. Wooden Idols: temple idols are made of wood and every 8,12,19 years it is replaced with new ones during Nabakalebara.
  3. No Shadow: temple doesn’t have any shadow no matter what time of the day it is.
  4. Preparation of Mahaprasadam: the prasadam is prepared by thousands of priests in 7 earthen pots. The pots are placed one above the other. The top pot cooks first and followed by rest.

Discover the charming Jagannath puri places to visit in 3 days and enjoy its delicious local food that you just have to try!

Odia people love food. The Famous Cuisine of Puri is very simple yet delicious, prepared in little or no oil which gives out the flavors of the spices. Given that Puri is a pilgrimage site, most restaurants offer pure vegetarian food. Puri is also famous for lip smacking chinese cuisine that one must try.


Also known as Puchka, Golgappa, pani puri in other parts of India. Is also the nation's favorite food.

Potala aloo rasa

The dish is made from Potala (pointed gourd) and Aloo (potatoes). It is a spicy gravy based curry.

Chaula Bara - A Tasty Snack That Hits the Spot!

Chaula bara(rice vada) is lip smacking delicacy. It's a famous street snack, it is kind of crunchy from outside and fluffy, soft from inside.

Pitha - The food for the occasion

Is similar to pancakes, dumplings. Dish can be sweet or savory. Some variants of pithas are Chakuli Pitha, Poda Pitha, Kakara Pitha.

Pakhala Bhata -The Coolest food of Odisha

Is staple lunch food for every household in Odisha. Basically it is made from soaked rice in sour curd and water, served with fried fish, potatoes, Badi choora and papad. Also one of Odias' favorite foods. It brings relief from the hot summer climate.

Chhena Poda - A Sweet Delight That’ll Make Your Day!

It is cheesecake from Odisha. It is baked for hours at a stretch, and the dish is made from burnt home-made cottage cheese, sugar syrup and semolina. It is one of the famous dishes of Odisha and it is available in every lane and by-lane.

Khaja - A Sweet Delicious Treat to your Taste Buds!

It is one of the most famous dishes of Odisha and one can find in every nook and corner of the city. Also served as prasad in Lord Jagannath Temple. Inorder to make this dish, refined wheat flour is mixed with sugar and fried lightly in some oil to make this delicious dish.

Thank you for joining us on this virtual journey through the mesmerizing city of Jagannath Puri places to visit in 3 days ! With its rich cultural heritage, stunning temples, serene beaches, and mouthwatering local cuisine, Jagannath Puri promises an adventure like no other. Imagine exploring ancient traditions, soaking up the sun on pristine shores, and indulging in delicious local dishes that tantalize your taste buds.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to create unforgettable memories. Book your exclusive Jagannath Puri Tour packages with us and be a part of an extraordinary journey through the wonders of Jagannath Puri. Your dream adventure awaits – let’s make it happen!

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